Drafting Portfolio
Photo Gallery
Beth and Mia relaxing with coffee after breakfast on the banks of Blackburn Creek
Diamond back rattlesnake I came across at the base of Butterfiled Falls outside of Devil's Den State Park. Unfortunately blurry because I had a cheap android at the time, and didn't want to get too close.
Beth wielding what she dubbed Thor Rock. Of course I had to carry the 13 pound thing back out.
At the top of Butterfield Falls. It's barely a trickle and easy to climb the 30 or 40 feet of it.
Valley in Golden Gate State Park just as the Aspens are changing.
View from Spy Rock in the Ozark Highlands
Great panorama of a low Beaver Lake. Beth escorted by her two loyal dogs, Mia and Dom; yes, they are siblings.
Makeshift campsite along Blackburn Creek outside of Devil's Den State Park. Very far off the beaten path. No one for miles outside of a wild hog and some coyotes.
My friend Syd and I setting up just off trail. Pretty sure latter this day, as the sun was going down, we helped a lost couple that was completely unprepared for their day hike. They had only thier phone light, were going in the wrong direction, and almost headed out into unhiked terrain. Headlamp, map, and a few directions got them back to their car safely.